what happens if you go straight up in space

"What happens if you go STRAIGHT up into space?". At an altitude of 10,000 km, you need a speed sideways of 3158 m/second to have an orbit, otherwise your path will intersect the Earth on the first orbit. hide. Re: What happens if you go straight in space? The air gets thinner and thinner the higher you go, until there's hardly any air at all. In space there's nothing to insulate you, so eventually you'll freeze to death. - Shawntay Muskegon,MI,U.S.A. Just in case things get ugly and the world erupts into a real Star Wars, yes, it is possible to shoot a gun in space. Edit - Spelling and grammar. This law also tells us how to build a powerful rocket. This isn’t a mistake… you will see the exact same thing in every other picture and video of a rocket launch. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 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(Although you’d lose consciousness after about 5.) The rocket runs out of fuel and you fall back to EARTH. Started by SeanyBoard Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology, Started by geordiefBoard Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology, Started by TitanscapeBoard Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology, Started by EthosBoard Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology, Started by chintanBoard Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology. If you have enough fuel and reach 24,000 mph you will escape from earth. You can see this law when you blow up a balloon and let it go without tying it. Is a stationary object in space really stationary? Most rockets turn eventually to a near horizontal flight to make enough speed to get into earth orbit. But if they would, somewhere exist, Fermat's principle can't be true, am I right? Even so, it doesn’t seem to make sense. Skin is almost completely gas-tight and strong enough to withstand a pressure differential of well over one atmosphere. In a way it explains everything Alan. Once it reaches its apogee, the bullet will fall. Astronomers love to remind us that there’s no up or down in space. That’s the reason why space shuttle launches use large external hydrogen tanks and fuel boosters, as they want to achieve a huge amount of speed in a matter of seconds . Over time, calcium normally stored in the bones is broken down and released into the bloodstream. That would require much more fuel, and fuel is the heaviest part of every launch, so more fuel increases the total size of the launch vehicle and the cost. Air resistance limits its speed, but bullets are designed to be fairly aerodynamic , so the speed is still quite lethal if the bullet happens to hit someone. They first go into low-earth orbit, then fire an engine to travel up to 23,600 miles in an elliptical orbit, then fire the engine again to *maintain* their 23,600 mile altitude. Down is not towards the earth's South Pole and up is not towards the earth's North Pole. Still have questions? According to the video, poor posture inflicts extra wear and tear on joints and ligaments, increases the likelihood of accidents, makes organs like your lungs less efficient --hunching over can affect your lung capacity by as much as 30 percent -- and is … You would still have to life all the fuel out of the gravity well and the whole path is planned to get the rocket above the bulk of the thick atmosphere while at slower before bending over and accelerating with smaller/fewer engines. So if we agree that space-time, and not space, is the proper arena in which to consider the question, then we can understand why the ball and the bullet don't wind up in the same place at the end of their trip. While it's *possible* to do what you're saying - it's more economical not to.... and, companies sending up satellites worth hundreds of millions of dollars are definitely looking at ways to save money. It still sounds like I’m making excuses. The Bible revealed the nature of time long before Stephen Hawking and other physicists started thinking about it. sounds stupid i know, but when i think about the solar system i see the planets in a row out from the sun. It sounds like you are imagining that what satellites do is go up through the atmosphere, break through into outer space, and hang there. If you land on a career space, pay the person with the matching Career Card or if no one has it, pay the bank (if you own it you don't need to do anything). You can sign in to vote the answer. If you are in space and the earth is the nearest astronomical object, you fall towards earth. (3) The water pressure is very high. That depends on how you define "straight" and "same place", Quote from: Satya link=topic=80836.msg617443#msg617443 date=1603982902. If you see me running, try to keep up.". (Image credit: NASA (astronaut image)) Shooting giants from the hip. Or just a definition of light always choosing the shortest path between two points, from which follows that if one follow the light one can't go wrong :). . If you are not born again, then you will have no opportunity to go to heaven when you die but will the very next moment be in torment. When you go to write a file, it writes that file’s data into the empty blocks. Or a geodesic, or a world line in Relativity. How do you think about the answers? If you simply go straight up to outer space (say 300 km above Earth's surface), gravity will pull you right back down, even if you've left the atmosphere, and you'll crash back into the Earth. what happens if instead of flying towards mars or another planet you just went straight up. When an SSD has little free space, it has a lot of partially filled blocks. Orbiting is a process where the object in orbit is always falling toward earth, but has enough horizontal speed to avoid hitting it. You might not be able to speak to family or friends. As there is no huge gravity pulling us like Earth there is no up or down. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat%27s_principle, Quote from: yor_on on 01/11/2020 20:50:21, Is "Space" distinct from "nothingness"? Any slower and you will fall back to your starting point. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. The concepts of "up" and "down" only apply in the gravity well of a moon, planet, or star. The pressure from the water would push in on the person’s body, causing any space … Calling it 'models' or 'interpretations', but it doesn't change the facts. Then, you would need to burn a huge amount of fuel in order to stay stationary and resist the strong winds slapping against the plane at that altitude. Keep all Life Tiles Life-side-up in front of you; looking at the values on the Life Tiles is against the rules. When will Pete Conrad take his rightful place in history as the actual first man to walk on the moon? Surprisingly, you probably wouldn’t explode. The answer taught for nearly a half-century for how long a fall through such a hole would take was about 42 minutes and 12 seconds. Just in case things get ugly and the world erupts into a real Star Wars, yes, it is possible to shoot a gun in space. When you shoot a gun in space, things can get pretty weird. That is why a space elevator is such a great idea, except the mechanics becomes a problem. Even then, your orbit will skim the top of the atmosphere, where the friction will cause a deorbit in a few days. What happens if I get sent to prison? I said ' light always choosing the shortest path between two points'. It's better to have all your speed sideways, parallel to the Earth's surface, so that your orbit is as circular as possible. Is it true that Uranus contains a water ocean beneath the visible part? If you want to fly over the Pacific Ocean, you go west. Keep taking the medicine, but tell your doctor or pharmacist if these side effects bother you or don't go away: feeling sick (nausea) being sick (vomiting) and diarrhoea ; bloating and indigestion; Serious side effects. Page created in 0.22 seconds with 78 queries. Only use public transport if you have no other option. So, consider satellites that go into Geo-sync orbit... that's about 23,600 miles in space. And here's something funny about it. The physicist reckoned there's a chance you could make your way out of one, though you may end up in a different dimension. And what is a 'straight line' in SpaceTime? Launch profiles are designed to balance these two demands as cheaply as possible, going straight up at first, and then turning parallel to Earth to go sideways. Your blood will also not boil. In a flat space the shortest path between two points. Down is therefore towards the earth's center and up is away from the earth's center when close to the earth. If you drove straight up you would arrive in space in just over an hour. 10 The Vacuum Of Space First things first—if the exterior of your spaceship is compromised (punctured by a whizzing asteroid perhaps) the interior will rapidly depressurize, and you will be sucked out into the vacuum of space. If you are trying to get to Japan from the U.S., you can see it is both east and west of the U.S. contestant, Why some find the second gentleman role 'threatening', At least 3 dead as explosion rips through building in Madrid, Pence's farewell message contains a glaring omission. If you are in space and the earth is the nearest astronomical object, you fall towards earth. orbit is a fall but moving laterally fast enough that you never fall in. If you insist, however, on going straight up in the sky and hovering, then the first thing you’ll need is an airplane that can hover for a long time (‘hovering’ is not what airplanes are built for, FYI). If I want to be cynical, which I most probably is, I would say that without a interpretation statistics are meaningless. The first indication something’s up is you are calling and sending text messages, but you get no response. This, however does not account for the motions of that star with respect to other things. • The more meaningful answer is: If we account for gravitational curvature of the spacetime in the universe, then a straight line can be a stable orbit about a massive body. you can also express it as it chooses the path that takes the shortest time, they are not exactly the same, although, ah well. A: Shawntay - Well, the rough summary in either case is that the person in question would be very dead, very fast, in a very unpleasant manner. if you go straight without moving with the orbit of the planet, you cant get into orbit because you must be traveling laterally in order to stay in orbit... else you just fall back down. report. "On normal launches any rocket has to get to speed within the atmosphere (using tons of fuel).". But the reality of a human exposed to the vacuum of space may be weirder and more bizarre than you ever imagined. But, since you seem to be looking for a more specific answer than that, let’s take it one at a time. In a nutshell, a rocket must curve its trajectory post-launch, if it wants to enter the Earth’s orbit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_elevator. Information presented on this website is the opinion of the individual contributors and does not reflect the general views of the administrators, editors, moderators, sponsors, Cambridge University or the public at large. share. It seems to take so much fuel to go straight up, and in my mind I can't see to get my head around why they don't take off like a plane and go up gradually like that. Wouldn't that also costs much less fuel since space is a vacuum? Presumably, the track of a vehicle that does not experience lateral acceleration. On normal launches any rocket has to get to speed within the atmosphere (using tons of fuel). As you go deeper into the black hole, space becomes ever more curvy until, at the centre, it becomes infinitely curved. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Down is not towards the earth's South Pole and up is not towards the earth's North Pole. Once it reaches its apogee, the bullet will fall. No big deal. save. would you just hit empty space until you eventually came across another system or space thingy? Do I need to introduce a many worlds scenario in where they too exist? If you went "straight" up, you would still have to turn at some point in order to gain that needed horizontal speed. The Kármán line, which is commonly represented as the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer space, is at an altitude roughly 62 miles above sea level. And sideways speed is what you need to get into orbit around Earth, without crashing back down. If you fly "straight up into space", you'll still be moving very quickly from west to east. But they climb straight up for part of the way, so that the atmosphere is much less dense. And to make the question more interesting: when finally arriving there would it be possible to gain enough speed to get into orbit? There is no straight up or down in space, like has been said, because relevant to us on Earth up is actually away from Earth. And, it must come out in the direction opposite of the way we want the rocket to go. racetracks are ovals, not squares or rectangles, for a reason. Personally I look at it as a straight line is the one expending no energy, but that's when I naively apply it on what I get from reading about SpaceTime. If you have one or more of these symptoms, you must self-isolate straight away for 10 days – or longer if you still have symptoms other than cough or loss of sense of smell/taste. For reasons of repetitive antagonism, this user is currently not responding to messages from; "BOMB DISPOSAL EXPERT. But for straight up, you’d need about 30 km/s, meaning more fuel, and compromises to your payload. In light of the recent launches I was wondering why rockets launch straight up instead of taking of like a plane. The deeper you go, the heavier the water above you and so the greater the pressure on your body. It depends on the direction you want to travel. So wouldn’t it make more sense if they went straight up in a line, rather than following a parabolic path? what happens when you go up or down. If you fire a gun into the air, the bullet will travel up to a mile high (depending on the angle of the shot and the power of the gun). The balloon flies the other way. But fortunately, that loss of 100 watts of heat isn't all that much compared to the sheer mass of your body. In light of the recent launches I was wondering why rockets launch straight up instead of taking of like a plane. The pressure you feel on your body is due to the weight of the water above you. And it's better to do this as soon as possible, so you don't have to carry extra fuel to go straight up. Friends or family can arrange to visit you when you get to prison. The ISS, for example, goes at 4860 m/s. Edit - Spelling and grammar. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If you could dive down to the center of Earth, the pressure on your body would be about 3.5 million times as great! There is no up and down in space. Get your answers by asking now. You should be able to convince yourself that the only way this can happen is if the two objects start off in the same direction and at the same speed. It seems to take so much fuel to go straight up, and in my mind I can't see to get my head around why they don't take off like a plane and go up gradually like that. Also, your ears start feeling the pressure even at 2 or 3 meters (5 or 10 feet) below the surface. They do it this way to conserve fuel; because going "straight up" to that altitude requires a longer burn, and more fuel - then using the Hohmann transfer orbit. Well, there are some other definitions too. "What goes up, must come down," is an old saying that remains true for any object thrown or fired from Earth's surface that fails to escape into space. So you want to get out of the lower atmosphere (the first 60 km or so) as soon as possible. depends, are you accelerating or maintaining velocity forever, or do you burn for a limited time and then coast? If you want to cross the Atlantic Ocean, you go east. Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! The judge or magistrate will tell you how long you will spend in prison. In sum- you’d swell up, burn, mutate, pass out and your lungs might explode. Serious side effects are rare and happen to less than 1 in 1,000 people. We Know The Extent Of The Sun, What Is The Extent Of Space Time? If a 10km asteroid heads for Earth, could a 500 Megaton nuke destroy it? If we assume that a wavefront 'sweeps' all possible paths. If the Universe is expanding, does this mean that space is expanding? (and the Vacuum). Though not the longest stint in space, it is the longest anyone has spent on board the International Space Station (ISS) and the best opportunity NASA has had to study what happens … When you arrive in England, go straight to the place you’re staying to self-isolate. You’ll swell up pretty bad, perhaps even up to twice your normal size, but you won’t explode as your skin is very stretchy. I think being as you are on the planet and space probably means escaping the Earth's gravitational pull, from earth, you can go straight up from the position whilst accounting for the rotation of earth with regards the gravity of the sun, or you can go straight up whilst maintaining your position over the Earth's surface. If you were to lift off from the the North Pole and kept going up then one could say that they did go straight up in relation to he North pole and you could keep going if you were to say that. 30 minutes of flying towards mars or another planet is foolish ( Image... Tying it a powerful rocket all possible paths to travel in our solar system I see the exact opposite each. Called gravity turn but has enough horizontal speed to get into earth orbit..! 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