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Variant: There is a completely still variant with a male or female announcer saying, "This is PBS, the Public Broadcasting Service." No lines streak across the screen; therefore it is a still version of the ident. Much like HBO and their famed "In Space" opening, this logo also had its own mini-documentary detailing the making of it. This could also be seen on various episodes of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood from 1974-1980 on Twitch.tv, its first appearance being on Episode # 1362. Availability: Fairly common. WARNING: THE SECOND VIDEO IS LOUD, SO LOWER DOWN THE VOLUME BEFORE WATCHING. Also, this logo plastered the 1993 logo on some prints of PBS Kids programs, however other prints used the 1993 logo until 2002. How Difficult Can This Be ?, and Nature, among other programs. Acrobats jump from all directions off the circle. The camera zooms into the pupil and the normal animation begins. Gamers: We see a dexter plays baseball we got a ball, bate and hand baseball. The blurring in of the PBS logo. First, we see touch the flute; then the 3 japanese kids walking with a flute, and finally the japanese 3 kids show ended. Availability: Seen at the end of The Mystery of Matter, as well as first-run episodes of Earth's Natural Wonders, Nova, and The Brain with David Eagleman. Variant: A shrunken-down version exists. PBS". Logo: Against a purple/magenta background, an orange circle forms itself in watercolor in the center of the screen, followed by a pink circle to its left and a blue circle to its right. Small circles form "pbs.org" below in a white calibri font. (Luisa Guerrero: "I am PBS.") Custom Barney Magazines (SuperMalechi's version) The Adventures of Barney and Thomas the Tank Engine (SuperMalechi's version) Dinosaur Costumes (Custom Barney Wiki's SuperMalechi's version) The rest of the animation proceeds to this logo starting with lines wiping the word "PBS". Custom Barney Magazines (SuperMalechi's version) The Adventures of Barney and Thomas the Tank Engine (SuperMalechi's version) Dinosaur Costumes (Custom Barney Wiki's SuperMalechi's version) Now no longer current due to the show's cancellation. Simple, but effective animation. This is intended to be funny. It was seen on 1976-1984 (seasons 1-9) episodes of Austin City Limits, and 1981-1984 (seasons 1-3) episodes of MotorWeek. Music / Sounds / Voice-over: A funky piano and choir boogie tune, followed by an announcer (Chris Murney, the voice of Elisha Hunt Rhodes in Ken Burns' The Civil War) who says "This is PBS." Logo: We fade to a P-head outline on a sky background framed with black. Availability: Currently in use on PBS DVD and Blu-ray releases. On DVD, it appears on episodes of The American Experience from the era. recent prints of the 1976 miniseries The Adams Chronicles end with both this and the 2006 WNET logo. At the end of the program, a voiceover says, "PBS, your home for independent film.". Throughout the bumper, a bug for the URL "pbs.org" is seen in the lower left corner. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This logo is a favorite of many, 3rd Logo Noods: The 2 noods was disguised complete. Logo: Against an orange background, we see the PBS circle in a light yellow color with the P head being the same orange color as the background. Can also be found on early PBS Home Video releases from the '80s; just look for a banner with the P Head on the left and "PBS VIDEO" filling the entire rest of the banner. HISTORY'S BEST January 26, 1998-September 4, 2000) Woman in deep red shirt; male acrobats with Prussian blue shirts curl into a ball and spin around. This could also be seen on various episodes of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood from 1974-1980 on Twitch.tv, its first appearance being on Episode # 1362. it was used in tandem with the previous logo, appearing on some episodes of Nature (starting in its 11th season), Sesame Street (particularly late in the 24th season), and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (mainly episodes that premiered in 1993 as well as some mid-'90s reruns of older programs) as well as all third-season episodes of Shining Time Station, 1993 episodes of Newton's Apple, and the earliest nationally-broadcast episodes of Charlie Rose, among others. Young People: A teenage girl presses her hands on her boyfriend's cheeks and gives him a kiss; a mother plays with her baby's feet; a dad and his little boy are holding guitars; mom and daughter are side by side; a mom runs pulling a red wagon holding her two little girls (Edie Mirman: “We are PBS”). Logo: Against a white background, objects resembling glass curtains part, revealing the Circle P-Head with "PBS | ARTS" to the right. (Summer 1971-September 29, 1985). You can help Logopedia by uploading it here. On three out of ten of the variants, there are silhouettes of big wands briefly flying down behind the PBS text. Availability: Seen on 2015-2016 PBS Arts programs, including a rebroadcast of Royal Paintbox. You may spot it at the end of some Reading Rainbow tapes of the time. This was found on the re-releases of Ken Burns' The Civil War and Baseball (excluding the 2010 sequel The Tenth Inning). ” Just look for a square in the top-left corner of the front of the box with "PBS VIDEO" below a P-head. 2019–present Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: You've just tried to add this video to My List.But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the services below. This appeared at the start of most PBS Home Video releases from Turner Home Entertainment in the mid-'90s. Background: PBS Home Video was founded in the 1980's to distribute their programs on home media. On season 1 episodes of Shining Time Station, one of the last new programs to use this logo, the fadeout was slower. It first appeared on Jude the Obscure, broadcast as part of Masterpiece Theater between October 3 and November 7, 1971. The music is fairly dramatic and the logo does not give much warning to its appearance, so some may be startled by it, but it's much tamer than the previous logo because of the use of acoustic instruments instead of synths. Mouth Music Variant: None to medium. Clips from episodes of the anthology series are shown one by one over the blue background before the PBS logo appears as usual. The music used in later versions of this variant is played in a soft guitar melody). 90s reruns of older programs) as well as all third-season episodes of Shining Time Station, 1993 episodes of Newton's Apple, and the earliest nationally-broadcast episodes of Charlie Rose, among others. Mother and Daughter: A mother and her teenage daughter are seen spinning and dancing; a close-up shot of the daughter kissing her mom; and the two hug (Edie Mirman: "We are PBS." It also appeared on Great Old Amusement Parks as seen as part of the Rick Sebak's Summer Fun collection and the first episodes of Charlie Rose: The Week. On the still version, the same music, as in the ident's original version, is used. After the logo settles in place, the footage fades to black and the text "PBS" fades in. A groovy country-style version of the music is played on a bass). An extended variant begins on a blue background with a darker blue P head. Logo descriptions and captures by AsdfTheRevival, Eric S. and wisp2007 Editions by Emini4 and' LJVborgSuperSet Background: Launched on September 1, 1988, PBS was the successor to two prior special programming services operated by various Engilsh cable companies beginning in the late 1970s. A voice-over says "Be More, PBS." Flowers: A close-up of a smiling woman's head; then we see her holding a large bouquet of flowers, a close-up of the flowers, and finally a close-up of the woman holding the flowers (Helen Mirren: “I am PBS". It is also preserved on '98-'02 episodes of Scientific American Frontiers on the Chedd-Angier website. Nicknames: Logo: Just a black background with the words: stacked on top of each other in red, yellow, and blue. Trivia: This logo was designed at Publicis & Hal Riney and animated at Lee Hunt Associates.

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