apollo 11 transcript landing

Reliving Nixon's historic phone call to Apollo 11. Down a half. We got good data. We copy you on the ground. T-25 seconds. Programme alarm. The two craft docked on July 17, 1975, and conducted joint operations for two full days. Armstrong: Roger. Apollo-Soyuz Test Project The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project joined two nations in space for the first time in history. “Likewise, we have other foods that are more solid nature. You are Go to continue powered descent. Apollo 11 landing site showing LM location and area traveled by astronauts during EVA. As the lunar module rotates, radio reception continues to be a problem, as the static heard during this part of the recording makes clear. Mission Control asks astronaut Michael Collins in the command module Columbia to relay a message to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin telling them to try a different aerial, the ‘aft omni-directional antenna’. Real-Time Mission Experience. Armstrong to Mission Control: Give us a reading on the 1202 programme alarm. Aldrin is trying to work out what the 1202 programme alarm means, and tells Mission Control that it may be linked to when he requests a data display from the computer ('16/68'). Apollo 11 Live on the ESP32. Scientific American. In a few moments Armstrong will ask Mission Control to try understand why these numbers don't correlate. While Aldrin is piloting the lunar module, Armstrong is looking through the window directly down onto the lunar surface, noting key landmarks and comparing them with notes he has prepared ahead of the mission. Ten per cent. All these announcements are related to the Apollo Guidance System, confirming that the lunar module has landed. NASA Moon landing: Why are there no stars in NASA's photos of space? Michael Collins: OK. You should have him now, Houston. Mission Control: Eagle, you’ve got 30 seconds to P64. Once the lunar module has 'rolled over', the landing radar is able to "lock on" to the Moon’s surface. About three seconds long. The final, critical landing phase of the Apollo 11 mission began at 20:05 GMT on 20 July 1969. After the Eagle has rotated, Armstrong, Aldrin and Mission Control should begin to receive a signal from the radar telling them how high and how fast they are travelling. ... Nixon's granting of a holiday Monday to Federal employees so they can observe a national day of participation in the Apollo 11 Moon landing mission mostly was one of surprise. Aldrin: Give us an estimated switchover time please, Houston. Armstrong: Houston, er… Tranquility Base here. Apollo 12 Is NASA's Forgotten Mission To The Moon. We find out more about the important role that Australia played in the Apollo 11 mission, and how the CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope ended up providing pictures of the Moon landing to the world. What did Apollo 11 discover during lost two minutes of SILENCE? 200 feet. Another reads "The Apollo Years." I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in or on a crater during the television transmission, followed by a request from mission control for further information. After guiding the Eagle to safety, Commander Armstrong informed NASA’s Mission Control in Houston, Texas, of success. The Capsule Communicators have been giving us daily news stories.”, President Nixon: “Were you American League or National League?”, Armstrong: “I’m [a] National League man.”, President Nixon: “There's the politician in the group, right.”. Title … This is the beginning of one of the most nerve-wracking parts of the Moon landing, the infamous ‘1202’ programme alarm. Apollo 11 Moon landing: minute by minute 20:05. Apollo 11 was the fifth human spaceflight of the Apollo program, the third human voyage to the moon, and the first manned mission to land on the Moon. It does adhere in fine layers, like powdered charcoal, to the sole and sides of my boots. It launched on July 16, 1969 carrying Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin. Same type. You are Go to continue powered descent. After safely splashing down in the Pacific Ocean, the three astronauts were put into quarantine but also had a chance to be congratulated by the US President. Aldrin: 700 feet, 21 [feet per second] down, 33 degrees. Aldrin: OK engine stop. Spacecraft. The fact that the throttle down manoeuvre has initiated at the correct time also suggests that the 1202 programme alarm has not interrupted key guidance programmes. This firing, beginning gently, is designed to slow the Eagle down in preparation for landing. With the fuel at this level, Mission Control has initiated a timer counting down to the moment where the lunar module will either have to land immediately – or abort. We will speak with astronaut Michael Collins who accompanied Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on that historic Apollo 11 mission, and we'll ask him about his role piloting the command module and where he sees our space program headed on this episode of JFK35. Houston. Aldrin: Data on. SHEET 74 r-:.. :--; r, n.. ~h, 4. 9 forward. order back issues and use the historic Daily Express Mission Control: Eagle, Houston. This is the amount of time the Eagle has left before the ‘bingo’ call. Re-live the final, fraught 13 minutes of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's lunar descent. Filmmaker 'proves' Stanley Kubrick faked Apollo 11 landing, NASA Moon landing: How Apollo 11 astronauts saw 'MONSTERS' on the Moon. An uncorrected problem in the rendezvous radar interface stole approximately 13% of the computer's duty cycle, resulting in five program alarms and software restarts. Apollo 11 remains the prime story with the world awaiting your landing today at about 11:49 am Houston time. Without reliable data and radio communications from the lunar module, the landing may have to be aborted. 04 06 45 40 LMP Contact light. In a short NASA pre-launch interview, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin describe their primary duties on the first mission to land on the moon. Aldrin: 400 feet, down at 9 [feet per second]. Ignition. Mission Control is acknowledging yet another computer alarm code. From here on in he will regularly call out both the altitude and speed of descent. Apollo 11 remains the prime story with the world awaiting your landing today at about 11:49 am Houston time. Slow it up. Out. 6 forward. Michael Collins (to the lunar module): They’d like to use the omni. 3.5 down. YOU GOT A BUNCH OF GUYS ABOUT TO TURN … Mode control: both Auto. Again, Aldrin is reading out the angle for the Landing Point Designator (LPD). Twenty seconds and counting. Apollo 11 . The transcript is based on NASA videos and audio recordings of radio communications between the Apollo 11 lunar module and Mission Control. Armstrong is testing the manual controls of the lunar module. Mission Control: Eagle, Houston. Over. Three NASA astronauts successfully carried out a mission to the Moon and back in the summer of 1969. Picking up some dust. We’ve lost them. Aldrin and Armstrong are facing yet another programme alarm. Coming down nicely. “Yes, the surface is fine and powdery. Picking up some dust. The Apollo 11 landing is referenced in the songs "Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins" by The Byrds on the 1969 album Ballad of Easy Rider and "Coon on the Moon" by Howlin' Wolf on the 1973 album The Back Door Wolf. Request OMNI Bravo. Aldrin: 35 degrees. Aldrin is replying to a comment from Armstrong on board to keep an eye on the signal strength for communications with Mission Control. Mission Control: Eagle, Houston. In a less well-known problem, caused by erroneous data, the … It launched on July 16, 1969 carrying Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin. Follow the radio communications between the astronauts and Mission Control during the lunar module's descent. The LM footpads are only depressed in the surface about one or two inches, although the surface appears to be very, very fine grained, as you get close to it. President Nixon: “One question, I think, all of us would like to ask. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. In 1969, the entire world watched as three men explored the unknown. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Where a phrase or term is unclear, we have attempted to explain in italics what the astronauts or Mission Control were referring to. Was that - did any of you get seasick?”, Neil Armstrong: “No, we didn't. 5.5 down. 50 years after Apollo, NASA prepares for return trip to the moon. Then on July 20, 1969, Commander Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Aldrin descended to the Moon. Aldrin: Altitude rate looks right down the groove. Real-Time Mission Experience. Thu Dec 07 1972. Witness the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing with U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Jr., and Michael Collins . In a less well-known problem, caused by erroneous data, the … Aldrin and Mission Control accidentally talk over each other at this point in the transmission, which is why Mission Control’s all-important next instruction - to continue the mission - is repeated. Express. T-25 seconds. Over. Standby. Down 2.5. Astronauts report it feels good. Let's get on with it. NASA Moon landing: NASA restores its historic Apollo 11 control room, Moon landing: The secret reason behind Neil Armstrong’s selection, NASA Moon landing: Here are the Apollo 11 transcripts from the Moon, NASA news: HILARIOUS moment astronaut lost his wedding ring in space, NASA Moon landing: Your phone is more POWERFUL than Apollo 11 computer, NASA Moon landing: Apollo 11 landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969, NASA Moon landing: The astronauts landed in the Eagle Lunar Module (LM), NASA Moon landing: The Apollo 11 crew splashed down on Earth on July 24, 1969, NASA Moon landing: Apollo 11 crew speaking to President Richard Nixon, Read John F Kennedy’s historic address as Apollo 11 anniversary looms. You are Go. Man Over Radio says HOUSTON, TRANQUILLITY BASE HERE, THE EAGLE HAS LANDED. When Armstrong says, “Rolling over”, he is announcing that he is preparing to rotate the lunar module so that the legs are pointing directly down at the Moon's surface. Mission Day: /9. Acton Institute Powerblog 5 Facts about the Apollo 11 Moon Landing by Joe Carter • July 18, 2019 This week marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, when astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins became the first people in history to land on the Moon. READ MORE: What did Apollo 11 discover during lost two minutes of SILENCE? Kennedy charged NASA with one goal: “I believe that this nation should commit itself to … When you get back now - incidentally, have you been able to follow some of the things that happened when you've gone. (National Archives Identifier 12008358) The motivation for the Apollo Space Program and the goal of reaching the Moon were outlined in President John F. Kennedy’s speech to a Joint Session of Congress on May 25, 1961. Looking good to us. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, Apollo 11 was all about the destination, but there was more to the mission than the landing itself. Baysinger says that on the night of the Apollo 11 landing, he and Rutherford had to essentially aim the antenna at the Moon by getting behind it and sighting it like a gun. 413 is in. Coming up nine minutes. How much the Apollo program actually cost. Luckily, Commander Armstrong’s nerves of steel allowed him to manually guide the LM out of a boulder-strewn crater and towards safety. Man Over Radio says WE COPY YOU DOWN, EAGLE. In Washington, House tax reformers have fashioned a provision which would make it impossible for wealthy individuals to avoid income tax entirely through tax-free investments or special allowances. Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Tower clear. 5.5 down. 04 04 18 03 Charlie Duke (CAPCOM) Roger. Into the AGS, 47 degrees. Transcript. Nothing more was heard. Quantity light. Where a phrase or term is unclear, we have attempted to explain in italics what the astronauts or Mission Control were referring to. Request OMNI Bravo if you read us. A detailed account of every second of the Apollo 11 descent and landing. 1.5 down. Apollo 11, Apollo 11, this is Houston broadcasting in the blind. Flight Operations Division. Twenty seconds and counting. Over. And about ill-fated Apollo 13. The auto … Mission Control has made the decision to continue the mission, despite the potential danger highlighted by this alarm. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin formed the American crew that landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC. Hearing how the astronauts and Mission Control responded to these problems in real time remains one of the most extraordinary records of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. OC 8265-P74 BIBLIOGRAPHIC OATA I ~.~:port 12 • 3. Aldrin is comparing the measurements from the main guidance system PGNS (Primary Guidance and Navigation System) and the back-up system AGS (Abort Guidance System). Mission Day: /9. That’s good. Buzz Aldrin: OK, we’re reading you relayed to us, Mike. Eagle is undocked. This July 20, 1969 file photo provided by NASA shows Neil Armstrong. Apollo 11 landing site showing LM location and area traveled by astronauts during EVA. Coming up on 8:30 you’re looking great. Aldrin again compares the two computer guidance systems. Apollo 11 Live on the ESP32. Apollo 11 (Moon Landing) Mission Transcript Recreated from official NASA sources, this poster depicts the dialogue exchanged between the Lunar Module, the orbiting Command Module and Mission Control on earth. Relive every moment as it occurred in 1969. Mission Control: Roger. Where a phrase or term is unclear, we have attempted to explain in italics what the astronauts or Mission Control were referring to. Relive the Apollo 11 Moon Landing Mission in Real Time! An ESP32 with e-paper display showing the Apollo 11 radio transcript to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Moon landing. 20 feet. Mission Control: We copy you down, Eagle. Over. The auto … The lunar module's landing radar is positioned on the bottom of the lunar module. 12, 11, 10, 9 ... ignition sequence start ... 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ... All engines running. Mission Control is telling the lunar module which fuel monitoring system to look at. Both spacecraft landed safely and on schedule. 1201. Understand. 4 forward. Read the historic speech by President John F Kennedy, which kickstarted NASA’s quest for glory. Down at 15 [feet per second]. Mission Control: Roger. Aldrin: OK, 75 feet and it’s looking good. 04 04 18 01 Neil Armstrong (CDR) Roger. Overview of the Apollo 11 spaceflight in which U.S. astronauts became the first people... Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. On their homeward-bound journey to Earth, the three astronauts took part in a televised broadcast from inside of their spacecraft. Additional Information About this Item . Apollo 11 was all about the destination, but there was more to the mission than the landing itself. Forward. landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. You’re looking good. Spacelog Apollo 11. Ufologists suggest that Apollo 11 traveled to the moon followed by numerous unidentified flying objects that were seen by the three members: Neil Armstrong , Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins . This poster includes a key to the speakers and is topped with the date of this historic moon landing. The First Men on the Moon: The Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Experience the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing In 1969, the entire world watched as three men explored the unknown. How does it look, Neil? 47 forward. “5 per cent” relates to the amount of fuel left available for the landing stage. National Archives Identifier: 12008358: Creator(s): National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Houston. Intermittent radio signal, unfamiliar computer alarms and a rocky landing site all tested astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin to their limits during the descent to the Moon's surface. Altitude’s a little high. Aldrin: Same alarm, and it appears to come up when we have a 16/68 up. Apollo 11 Landing Described By Neil Armstrong In Rare 1988 Interview. 58 [feet per second] forward. 04 06 45 40 LMP Contact light. Witness the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing with U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Jr., and Michael Collins . Sounds from Apollo 11 "We have a liftoff": Commentary: Thirty seconds and counting. Baysinger says that on the night of the Apollo 11 landing, he and Rutherford had to essentially aim the antenna at the Moon by getting behind it and sighting it like a gun. Go for landing. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. Aldrin is reporting warning lights in the lunar module. 9 forward. Mission Control: 6 plus 25. Apollo 11 Landing Described By Neil Armstrong In Rare 1988 Interview. Below is a full account of what was said during the landing phase, from the moment the lunar module began its powered descent to Armstrong's historic declaration: "The Eagle has landed.". We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. Picking up some dust. It's almost like a powder. 3,000 feet. However, the computer had been designed so that even if this occurred, mission critical programmes would take priority. Aldrin: 300 feet, down 3.5. Apollo 11 crew on historic moon landing still had time for laughs. YOU GOT A BUNCH OF GUYS ABOUT TO TURN … T-15 seconds, guidance is internal. Aldrin: 540 feet, down at… [LPD angle] 30. Altitude’s right about on. Aldrin: You’re pegged on horizontal velocity. Charlie Duke, flight controller: “Roger, Twan... Tranquillity. Overview of the Apollo 11 spaceflight in which U.S. astronauts became the first people... Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Under the proposal tentatively adopted by the House Ways and Means Committee, … Buzz Aldrin: One, zero. Today on the podcast, we’ll get a closer look at a facility that helped prepare the Apollo astronauts for the successful Moon landing. Mission Status. We’re Go on that alarm. A Russian Soyuz launched on July 15, 1975, followed by the U.S. Apollo launch on the same day. Neither Armstrong nor Aldrin are sure what the 1202 programme alarm means, and are asking Mission Control for guidance. Transcript: Apollo 11: For All Mankind | May 11, 1999 A full-screen caption reads "Apollo 11." landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. This refers to a scale on the window, marked in degrees, that shows where the computer is aiming for on the lunar surface. Over. Title … Article media libraries that feature this video: Apollo. Experience the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing. Buzz Aldrin: See if they have got me now. It’s looking good. Landing Site: Mare Tranquillitatis - Sea of Tranquility (0.67 N, ... Apollo 11 Mission Overview - Lunar and Planetary Institute Apollo 11 Mission Summary - Kennedy Space Center Apollo Lunar Surface Journal - Transcript of Apollo 11 communications Apollo 11 Preliminary Science Report (PDF) Apollo 11 Press Kit (PDF) Return to Apollo page Return to Lunar home page. Mission Control: Roger. Read the original story of Apollo 11: The historic 1969 mission where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon. Flight Operations Directorate. Hear about the Apollo 11 landing on the moon and its return to earth . The transcript is based on NASA videos and audio recordings of radio communications between the Apollo 11 lunar module and Mission Control. You’re Go for landing. By Tariq Malik 20 July 2019. Between them is the forgotten mission — Apollo 12. These are the angles that Mission Control is suggesting Aldrin use for the antenna after ‘yaw-around’ - the moment the lunar module will rotate during the next landing phase.‘Yaw’ is the term for an aircraft’s vertical axis rotation. Aldrin: Drifting forward just a little bit. Ignition. 5 * * * * DESCENT AND LM WINDOW DESCRIPTION * * * * 04 06 42 10 cc Eagle, Houston. Armstrong: Our position checks down range show us to be a little long. 120 feet. Pieces of Apollo 11's history sold at auction before anniversary. Engine arm: off. In Washington, House tax reformers have fashioned a provision which would make it impossible for wealthy individuals to avoid income tax entirely through tax-free investments or special allowances. NASA releases new simulation of what Neil Armstrong saw during Apollo 11 moon landing. 60 feet. Aldrin is asking Mission Control when the computer will switch from programme P63 to P64, the final approach phase of the lunar landing. Close. The day before the Apollo 11 fake moon landing, JFK's brother, Ted Kennedy had that "accident" at Chappaquiddick... _____ NASA's claimed "Apollo 8 lunar orbit" on December 24, 1968 . When the astronauts landed in the Moon’s Sea of Tranquility – Mare Tranquillitatis – the LM had less than 30 seconds of fuel left. Mission Status. Audio highlights and transcripts of flight days 1-9 on the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. Transcript: Apollo 11: For All Mankind | May 11, 1999 A full-screen caption reads "Apollo 11." NASA's Apollo 11 landed on the Moon in April 1969 but many conspiracy experts still question whether the Moon landing was real. The sequence has been calculated by the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), which performs a series of calculations and operations designed to help guide the lunar module to its destination. I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in or on a crater during the television transmission, followed by a request from mission control for further information. Aldrin is interrupted by Mission Control. You can probably see this shrimp cocktail meal. Drifting to the right a little. On July 16, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins blasted off from Florida’s Cape Canaveral. In the lunar module, Armstrong is asking Aldrin for an LPD (Landing Point Designator). Recipient's Accession No. Transcripts; Phases; People; Glossary; About; Load previous… 04 04 17 06 Charlie Duke (CAPCOM) Hello, Eagle. Mission Control: And Eagle, Houston, we’ve got data drop-out. 5 * * * * DESCENT AND LM WINDOW DESCRIPTION * * * * 04 06 42 10 cc Eagle, Houston. Mission Control: Roger. A real-time interactive journey through the first landing on the Moon. Mission Control: Roger, we got you. [Voice cut out] another early development was the use of bite-size food [voice cut out].”, Charlie Duke: “11, Houston. Jump into the story. Thu Dec 07 1972. Mission Control: At seven minutes you’re still looking great to us Eagle. Mission Transcripts: Apollo 11. 04 06 45 17 LMP Forty feet, down two and one-half. Down a half. ED Batts are 'explosive device batteries', which supply power to the devices that help operate the descent engines. 12, 11, 10, 9 ... ignition sequence start ... 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ... All engines running. Buzz Aldrin: One, zero. 12:32:00 AM. Man Over Radio says ROGER, TRANQUILLITY, WE COPY YOU ON THE GROUND. Essentially, this water gun is put in in this end and fills up this bag with water, and the drink then dissolves in the water, and this end of the [voice cut out] outfeeding. Over. We’ll monitor your Delta-H. Aldrin: Yes it’s coming down beautifully. AS11_CM.PDF: Apollo 11 Onboard Voice Transcription-Command Module, August 1969, 248 pages: AS11_PAO.PDF: Apollo 11 PAO Mission Commentary Transcript, July 16024, 1969, 629 pages: AS11_TEC.PDF: Apollo 11 Technical Air-to-Ground Voice Transcription, July 1969, 626 pages : Mercury: Gemini: Apollo: Skylab: Apollo-Soyuz: Space Shuttle: Shuttle-Mir: … Mission Control react quickly to reassure them. The earthshine coming through the window is so bright you can read a book by it. Tower clear. Thanks to the rapid response from Apollo Guidance Computer specialist Jack Garman in Mission Control, flight controllers understood that as long as the alarms did not come in rapid succession the mission could continue. We're standing by. “I only go in a small fraction of an inch, maybe an eighth of an inch, but I can see the footprints of my boots and the treads in the fine, sandy particles.”, READ MORE: Filmmaker 'proves' Stanley Kubrick faked Apollo 11 landing. An overview of Apollo 11's landing on the Moon, including the continuing scientific study of the rock specimens collected during the mission. You're go for landing. ABSTRACT: The Apollo 11 mission succeeded in landing on the moon despite two computer-related problems that affected the Lunar Module during the powered descent. Apollo 11. Coming down at 23 [feet per second]. Its crew consisted of Commander Eugene Cernan, Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt, and Command Module Pilot Ronald Evans, and it carried a biological experiment containing five mice. The corrected transcript which forms the foundation of the Apollo 11 Lunar Surface Journal, starting with the chapter titled "The First Lunar Landing", is covered by copyright. Mission Control: Roger. Aldrin: 100 feet. Apollo 11 has surely given us a lot to talk about ever since the historic moment a Saturn V rocket launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Florida, on July 16. ? 4.5 down. Aldrin is confirming that the lunar module’s engine has been fired at 10 per cent of maximum power. Mission Control: Roger. Read this moment or See another. Apollo 11 Technical Air-to-Ground Transcript. NASA simulates the view from Apollo 11 mission commander Neil Armstrong… Neil Armstrong: “Engine arm is off. The day before the Apollo 11 fake moon landing, JFK's brother, Ted Kennedy had that "accident" at Chappaquiddick... _____ NASA's claimed "Apollo 8 lunar orbit" on December 24, 1968 . Watch, listen, and relive the excitement of the Apollo 11 lunar landing as experienced minute-by-minute by the courageous crew of Apollo 11 and Mission Control. The Apollo 11 mission was. The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. Aldrin: Got the Earth straight out our front window. By marking the time certain landmarks pass by the window, Armstrong calculates that they are three seconds too long. NASA Apollo 13: Behind-the-scenes photos reveal doomed mission. You're go for landing. Mission Control: We’re Go. We're breathing again. 1202, we copy it. Instead of overloading the computer further, Mission Control will monitor the Delta-H reading and feed it back to Aldrin. Just under 13 minutes later, at 20:17 GMT, the Eagle lunar module landed on the Moon. 2019 - Découvrez le tableau "Mission apollo 11" de Bonnaudet sur Pinterest. Aldrin: You can feel it in here when it throttles down. Nothing more was heard. You’re still looking good. Delta-H compares the landing radar altitude reading with the Primary Guidance and Navigation System (PGNS). This is known as a ‘bingo’ call. The lunar descent was fraught by the Eagle flying too fast, which resulted in the Lunar Module (LM) heading for the wrong landing spot. Search Close. The transcript is based on NASA videos and audio recordings of radio communications between the Apollo 11 lunar module and Mission Control. And it was one of the harder parts, but it was one of the most pleasant, we can assure you.”, President Nixon: “Yes, well, I just know that you can sense what we all sense. Relive every moment as it occurred in 1969. This equates to about three miles too long when it comes to the landing site. Armstrong: I show us to be about… Stand by…. ACA out of detent. Apollo 11 Moon landing: minute by minute 20:05. Astronauts report it feels good. Check In (Login) ** Login requires FW Account ** Freedom Warrior Signup (Free) My Account; Edit / View Posts; Share Your Story; PROJECT: END FACEBOOK Aldrin: 2,000 feet. Mission Control (speaking to Michael Collins): Columbia, Houston. An uncorrected problem in the rendezvous radar interface stole approximately 13% of the computer's duty cycle, resulting in five program alarms and software restarts. 2,000 feet. Buzz Aldrin: OK, rate of descent looks good. Mission Control: 6 plus 25, throttle down. Events Celebrating Apollo 11 Moon Landing's 50th Anniversary; The mission, dubbed Apollo 11, was the climax of the Apollo program, which pushed human spaceflight forward faster … Aldrin: Roger. This was difficult since the weather was cloudy and the Moon not easily visible. We see you on the steerable. In video footage from the landing, the module can be seen gently rocking and rotating. Mission Control: Eagle, looking great. Subscribe to Channel 4 Documentary: https://bit.ly/2IzNJyi Watch the FULL series on All 4: https://bit.ly/2XyF1Gm Check out Richard Nixon's incredible speech about Apollo 11 landing on the moon. It in here when it comes to the lunar module minutes and 35 seconds into burn... Us to be a little long looks right down the groove landing may have to be aborted lights the! 11 Anniversary looms ( PGNS ) d like to use the historic Express. Lmp Forty feet, down at 19 [ feet per second ] down, Eagle than that on. 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